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Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) training provides a structured learning environment for multi-disciplinary groups to develop the skills, teamwork, and organisation necessary to effectively manage paediatric emergencies.

The APLS course, designed by the American Academy of Paediatrics, is ideal training for those who work in paediatrics and who manage paediatric emergencies on a regular basis.

The course is run by Precision Healthcare under license from the Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG) in the UK

PLEASE NOTE: the ALSG VLE Tutorials MUST be completed before attending the course. No exceptions are made.


It is intended for healthcare professionals who work in paediatrics and who manage paediatric emergencies on a regular basis. These candidates may include (but are not limited to) Consultants, Registrars, Senior House Officers, Clinical Nurse Managers and nurses.



All Precision Healthcare courses are eligible for CPD/CME points. The exact number of points you can claim depends on what your occupation/speciality is.

This course is eligible for up to 16 hours of face-to-face CPD and 6 hours of online CPD

More information on Medical Council and An Bord Altranais

APLS. Dublin. Date TBC

  • Online Virtual Learning Environment

    • ABCDE Assessment

    • Respiratory Emergencies

    • Cardiac Emergencies

    • Neurological Emergencies

    • Sepsis

    • Trauma

    • Blood test interpretation

    • X-Ray interpretation

    • ECG Interpretation

    • Multiple Choice Question assessment


    • Primary and secondary paediatric assessment

    • Recognition of respiratory distress/failure

    • Airway management and ventilation

    • Needle thoracocentesis, chest drain, surgical airway

    • Recognition of shock

    • IV/IO/Umbilical vascular access and fluid resuscitation

    • Basic life support

    • Newborn resuscitation

    • Electrical therapy/Defibrillation

    • Spinal injury/immobilisation

    • Safe transfer of patients

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