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How Occupational Health Service Providers Can Assist Businesses

It is becoming more common for businesses to work with occupational health service providers and here at Precision Health, we support businesses across a range of sectors. From the IT and communications industry to the sports and leisure industry, all businesses are starting to prioritise employee health and wellbeing, and there are several benefits associated with using different occupational health services.

As an experienced occupational health service provider, our services are available as stand-alone services, but we can also combine them to create a comprehensive programme that is tailored to your specific needs. There are lots of different ways we can assist your business when it comes to health and wellbeing, and below we have highlighted some of our most sought-after services.

Health surveillance and assessments

We work closely with businesses to design custom screening programmes for their employees. All of our health assessments are developed by our Medical Director and they are tailored to suit the culture, demographic and health risk profile of your team. There are multiple health screening profiles available to choose from too and in addition to providing basic medical screenings, we can also deliver more complex screening programmes for things such as cardiovascular and vision screening.

Keeping your employees healthy is key to running a successful business and when you take good care of your team, you will not only reduce long-term absences, but you will improve trust, loyalty and morale. Health assessments are always cost-effective in the long run.

Drug and alcohol testing

When employees work in safety-critical roles, drug and alcohol testing is really important, and it can help to prevent your team from being performance-impaired at work. Identifying employees who may be under the influence of intoxicants can improve your health and safety standards, and our administrators can coordinate testing at a time and place that suits you. We provide pre-employment tests, random tests and for-cause tests, and we can assure you that all of our testers are healthcare professionals.

Manage sickness and absences

Should businesses experience a high number of absences on a regular basis, we can provide an end-to-end absence management programme. Not only can we track and triage absences, but we can carry out case management too, taking this responsibility off of your HR teams’ hands. Collecting data on employee sickness can help you to make any required changes to improve the health and wellbeing of your team, and knowledge really is power in this regard. By working with an occupational health service provider, you can significantly reduce operational problems caused by frequent absences.

Run on-site health programmes

We can deliver engaging workshops and webinars to help improve the overall wellness of your team by educating them about health and wellbeing, and engaging them in any health promotion programmes you implement. We provide a range of different workshops, from ‘sunsmart & skin cancer prevention’ to ‘importance of cardiovascular health’ workshops, and we can help you find the most suitable for your team. We will work with your HR department and your Occupational Health and Wellness team to ensure maximum participation in all initiatives and successful health and wellbeing outcomes.

Develop existing workplace policies and programmes

Having health and wellbeing programmes in place is more important than ever before. The right programme can support both the physical and mental health of your employees, and we can advise you on all medical aspects of your corporate policies and programmes. We have the experience and knowledge required to provide guidance across a diverse range of health initiatives and we are uniquely placed to help you develop an optimal wellness strategy.

Working with an occupational health service provider

If you’re interested in working with an occupational health service provider, don’t hesitate to contact us at Precision Health today. We are front-line medical experts and we pride ourselves on delivering a full range of innovative and effective onsite occupational healthcare services. Since being established back in 2014, we have worked closely with a variety of businesses to help them improve the overall health of their employee population and we will be happy to assist you too. Our expert team will gladly answer any questions you have about our occupational health services, so feel free to get in touch with us.


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