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occupational health employee holding his upper back
workstation ergonomics

The DSE Workstation Ergonomic assessment evaluates the suitability of an employee’s workstation setup for their tasks and for their body shape and habits. The Health & Safety Authority mandates that any employee that uses Display Screen Equipment (typically a computer monitor) for more than 1 hour per day must have the suitability of that workstation assessed by their employer.


A properly equipped and set up workstation improves efficiency and productivity and may reduce the risk of work absence due to musculoskeletal conditions.


The workstation assessment is based on the Health & Safety Authority’s recommendations regarding the suitability of the:


• Monitor

• Desk

• Chair

• Keyboard

• Mouse


Our experienced assessors talk to the employee about their typical tasks and how they interact with their workstation. An important part of the assessment is the time spent educating the employee about the optimal workstation setup.


In-person: our assessor comes to the office to inspect the workstation directly, discuss potential changes and make adjustments directly.


Remote: the employee completes a pre-assessment questionnaire and takes photos of the workstation, followed by a video call with the assessor to ask additional questions and discuss potential changes.

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A detailed report is prepared and sent to the employer and the employee. Recommendations are made regarding changes to the current setup and/or additional equipment that may benefit the workstation. Implementation of the health recommendations is at the discretion of the employer. Where immediate changes can be made, our assessor may adjust the workstation during the assessment (for in-person assessments) or may instruct the employee to make adjustments (for remote assessments).


Common problems found during a DSE Workstation Assessment


Display screen too low: the ideal height for the top of the screen should be in-line with the employee’s line of sight. This prevents excessive neck flexion and can usually be achieved by using a monitor-riser or stand. Laptop screens are almost always too low and must be placed on a laptop riser for safe use.


Primary work tasks in Secondary work task position: the most commonly performed tasks should be in the optimum ergonomic position ie looking straight head, eyes up, hands relaxed resting on the desk. Many employees put video conferencing on their secondary monitor or laptop, resulting in a twisted posture while taking video calls. Rearranging the monitors or employing a wired (movable) webcam allows the employee to find a comfortable, sustainable position for long video calls.

frequently asked questions
Man holding his lower back before a health screening workshop
  • How accurate is the Antigen Test?
    Our Antigen test platform is the SD Biosensor Lateral Flow Assay from Roche Diagnostics. It is on the list of officially-accepted antigen tests from the European Commission.
  • Is the test painful?
    Having a nasal swab is never comfortable. Our testers have been trained by Mr Stephen Kelly, an experienced Advanced Nurse Practitioner and qualified nurse trainer, to be safe and as gentle as possible. Is it important that we do get a sample from the required test area so that we (and you) can be confident that there is no SARS-CoV-2 there. If you have a history of heavy nose-bleeds or recent injury or surgery on your nose, we will help you decide whether it is safe to proceed with the test.
  • How do I get my results?
    We will initially send you an SMS to confirm the result and let you know that the PDF version is available via email. Your PDF version will contain: Your name Your address You date of birth Your passport number Test date Test type (Real-Time PCR or Antigen) Test result (“Not Detected”, “Detected”, “Indeterminate”) Clinic Information We advise you print the results PDF out AND keep a copy on your mobile phone for passage through the airport.
  • Why does the HSE not use a 20-minute PCR test?
    One of our analysers can only process a single sample at a time so it is suitable only for small volume work. The standard PCR analysers can process up to 90 samples concurrently so are better suited to processing large volumes.
  • What is the Digital COVID Certificate?
    The Digital COVID Certificate is a convenient way to document your COVID risk status to your destination country: - Fully Vaccinated (evidence provided by the HSE Vaccination service) OR - Recovered from COVID (evidence of your Positive COVID PCR result from the HSE) OR - Recently tested Negative (PCR or Antigen result from a private medical provider) The DCC comes into use on July 19th in Ireland. Testing providers registered with the system can issue you a DCC with your COVID Negative evidence on it. Precision Health has applied be a registered testing provider for Antigen Tests. We will continue to issue non-DCC PCR results using our 20-minute PCR analyser but this is unlikely to be approved for DCC because the PCR DCC requires the analyser to be in an accredited lab rather than a medical clinic. If you know that you really need a PCR DCC, we will send your sample to our lab partner, who will process it and issue the DCC. This will take 24 hours, so please leave adequate time for processing.
  • How does it work?
    The test is the same test as used by the HSE for detection of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). It is called PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction). Our test platform is the Cobas Liat Real-Time PCR Assay from Roche Diagnostics. Roche Diagnostics also produce the standard large-volume PCR analysers. It is CE-IVD approved (EU) and FDA EUA approved (US). The 20-minute test has been evaluated and found to have 100% agreement with the standard version of the Real-Time PCR test (a larger analyser than can process 90 samples at the same time).
  • What is the COVID-19 Recovery Certificate?
    This form can be used to request a certificate (also known as a certificate of recovery) proving that you have recovered from COVID during the last six months. If you had a positive COVID test (RT-PCR or 'NAAT') more than 11 days ago, you can request a certificate of recovery.
  • I need an urgent test. Help!
    Call our office on +35319104024. Our nurses are usualy busy with COVID-19 testing or Occupational Health activities but we will try our best to fit you in with a 20-minute test.
  • When do I complete the Passenger Locator Form and where can I find it?
    The passenger Locator Form must be completed online before travelling. You can access the Passenger Locator Form here.
  • How accurate is it the PCR test?
    The test is the same as the standard HSE test (Real-Time PCR). We recommend that you consider the result in combination with current and past symptoms and risk of exposure to COVID-19. Always ask your GP for advice if in doubt. A “detected” (positive) result means that SARS-CoV-2 virus has been found in your nose/throat. This may mean that you are actively infected or it may mean that you had COVID-19 infection in the recent past. A “not detected” (negative) result means that SARS-CoV-2 virus was not found in the sample. If you have no symptoms and low risk of exposure (eg. you are taking a travel test), this result is generally taken as “negative”. If you have symptoms of COVID-19 and/or you have a high risk of exposure (eg you are a close contact) you may need a second test at a later date to confirm no infection. An “indeterminate” (invalid) result means a sampling or processing problem occurred and the analyser could not accurately determine “detected” or “not detected”. This happens infrequently for all tests (nasal swabs, blood tests, biopsies) and may be due to tester error or analyser problems. If this happens, we will call you back for retesting, at zero expense.
  • Is it suitable for travel worldwide?
    The travel requirements into and out of Ireland and other EU countries specify that the COVID test should be a Real-Time PCR test, done within 72 hours of travel or an Antigen Test done within 48 hours. We recommend that you confirm this for your destination country before you make your travel arrangements.
  • Can individuals who have recovered from COVID travel?
    Yes, those who have recovered from COVID can travel if they tested positive for the virus in the previous 90 days and has completed isolation requirements.
  • What test do I need to travel abroad?
    Every coutry has different restrictions and guidelines are coninuing to change. andReOpenEU are two useful website to find accure infomation regarding travel guidelines. We also share updates on our Instagram and Facebook pages.
  • How long does it take?
    Pick your appointment slot and pay online with instant confirmation. You will receive an online registration form by email which must be completed before attending. Our tester takes a nasal swab and processes it in approximately 20 minutes. You will receive your result via SMS and email (PDF). If you are travelling, we advise you print the PDF to bring with you. If you require a PCR or Antigen Digital COVID Certificate (from 19th July), please allow 24 hours for processing.
  • Is it suitable for kids?
  • Do you ask for medical information during the assessment?
    Our assessor will enquire about employee discomfort while using the workstation but our assessor will not be performing a physical examination of the employee. Any medical information is not shared with the employer in the final report. The employee is advised to follow-up with their own GP or Occupational Health Advisor for medical advice.
  • What is the difference between a remote assessment and an in-person assessment?
    Remote assessments are suitable for employees who work from home and can be done with minimal disruption to the work day. In-person assessments allow the assessor to make changes to the workstation during the assessment and allow the assessor to formally measure environmental factors such as light and noise.
  • How do you perform a remote assessment?
    The employee picks a suitable time from our online booking system and completes a pre-appointment questionnaire, covering work tasks, discomfort, environment, breaks etc. The video call takes 15-20 minutes, via Zoom (or other video platform if preferred) and the report is delivered by email.
  • Does a recommendation for additional equipment HAVE to be fulfilled?
    An employer is required to make reasonable adjustments to the employee’s workstation so that it meets the HSA standards. The exact nature of those adjustments will depend on the tasks and the operational budget. The recommendations are normally achievable within a reasonable budget.
  • Liver Function Tests
    Abnormal liver function suggests potential damage due to alcohol, medication or infection.
  • Ferritin (Iron Stores)
    Iron is stored in the body as Ferritin. Low iron levels due to inadequate dietary intake or chronic bleeding can lead to anaemia, causing fatigue, breathlessness and palpitations.
  • Blood Pressure and Q-Risk Heart age
    People who have untreated hypertension are at greater risk of coronary artery disease and stroke. A heart age will be determined using a combination of lifestyle questions, BMI , Blood Pressure and lipid profile blood test results.
  • Bone Health Profile
    Abnormalities in calcium, magnesium and phosphate may lead to poor bone and/or muscle health.
  • Height, Weight, And Waist Circumference
    To determine body mass index and to assess for signs of central obesity. There is a strong correlation between central obesity and cardiovascular disease.
  • Urinalysis
    The test detects the abnormal presence of blood, glucose, protein or inflammatory cells in the urine.
  • Full Lipid Profile (Cholesterol)
    The proportion of different types of cholesterol can be used to assess long-term cardiovascular risk. Treatment of abnormal cholesterol may involve dietary measures and medication.
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) Atrial Fibrillation Screen
    We will assess for an abnormal electrical heart rhythm called atrial fibrillation. This condition Increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • HbA1c (Diabetes Test)
    This blood test determines the blood sugar content in blood for the past 120 days. Abnormally-high levels indicate a risk of Diabetes.
  • Urea and Creatinine (Renal Profile)
    This blood test determines kidney function. Abnormal kidney function can be an indication of damage due to high blood pressure or diabetes.
  • Thyroid Function Test
    This test determines the function of the thyroid gland , an important regulator of metabolic rate. Abnormalities of thyroid function can lead to fatigue (too low) or palpitations (too high).
  • Full Blood Count
    This blood test determines general health status and may indicate conditions such as anaemia, infection and cancer.
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